Birth Trauma Resolution Shropshire

Meet Vanessa & Christine

Birth Trauma Resolution Therapy was born out of a desire to help women and their families recover from the effects of trauma, resulting from their birth and maternity experience. We are Vanessa and Christine, currently working as clinical midwives on the Delivery Suite for the local NHS Trust.


I am a mother of two and have four grandchildren. I qualified as a nurse in 1973 and have been practising as a midwife for over thirty years. I have had a long interest in birth trauma and have been involved in talking to women about their birth experience for many years.

Christine Dent Birth Trauma Resolution Shropshire


I started my working life in laboratories, mostly clinical chemistry and microbiology. However, when I had my two children, there were complications that involved spending extended periods on the maternity wards. During this time I had the opportunity to really see the complexity of the role of the midwife. This sowed the seed that developed into my ambition to train as midwife. I was able to achieve my goal when the boys were older and I have been working in the Trust for over nine years.

Meeting Vanessa and discovering our mutual desire to help those suffering from birth trauma was a life-changing event that led to us training to be BTR practitioners.

Our story

We have known each other for eight years and together developed the Birth Reflections Service at our hospital. This was a true meeting of minds and we are passionate about giving people the time and space to explore their thoughts and feelings in a non-judgmental environment. We have had the great privilege of caring for families and helping new life into the world, seeing couples become parents for the first time and witnessing their joy and new love for their child. However, not all experiences are positive ones and we have often seen situations that are extremely traumatic for the woman and her birth partner. When experiences are negative the impact upon these people’s lives can be huge and long-lasting.

In 2021 we realised that through the pandemic the number of women and families affected by birth trauma was bigger than we had realised. We set up the Birth Reflections Clinic in our own time, and began to see women to discuss their birth experience, go through their notes with them, explain events and answer their questions. Most importantly this gave them a chance to be heard, to feel they had a voice, and to establish whether this opportunity to debrief was enough to help them move forward in a positive way.

Throughout this time we began to research more deeply into birth trauma and completed some training. However, it became apparent to us both that there were so many requiring more than our service could offer to help them recover from their trauma symptoms. Finding Birth Trauma Resolution and qualifying as BTR Practitioners has been a transformative experience and has enhanced the care we are able to offer. We have been astounded at the difference this treatment has made to the people we have treated. To watch someone climb out of their place of struggle, released from the trauma symptoms that affect their life and relationships so profoundly, and helping them to move forward in a positive way is truly inspiring.

We attend regular supervision session to ensure we are offering the best care possible. We have treatment rooms in Dorrington, Shropshire and Newport Shropshire. We are also able to arrange home visits if you would prefer.