Birth Trauma Resolution Shropshire

You are not alone

We have helped many parents and caregivers to move on from debilitating trauma following childbirth, and we feel privileged to share some of their experiences below.

“It’s ok to be ‘me’ again.”

Liz – Mother

I am so incredibly grateful to Christine for her BTR therapy following the traumatic arrival of my first baby boy. Christine spent many hours with me and has given me a new sense of freedom from the darkness that had hold of me before, with triggers causing intense emotional pain and upset. Christine has shown me it’s ok to be ‘me’ again and the importance of being kind to myself.

I have learnt a lot about myself during the sessions with Christine as well as coping strategies and relaxation techniques. My family and husband have seen such a positive change in me since finishing the sessions with Christine.

Thank you Christine, for everything.

I am no longer plagued by regular reminders of what happened.”

Emma – Mother

I had such an amazing labour and birth experience that it took me over 8 years to realise that the experience of treatment for a 3rd degree tear had left me feeling so violated that it was having a negative impact on my everyday life.

Christine helped me to get to the root of my trauma and then to let go of all the negative associations and negative emotions that I had around my own body and intimacy as a result. I feel like my body belongs to me again. The feelings of shame and embarassment have been left behind and I am no longer plagued by regular reminders of what happened.

I was overwhelmed by how much time, thought and effort Christine put into our sessions. I cannot recommend BTR enough and if, like me, your experience was many years ago, it isn’t too late to get help!

I have been able to focus on the future and am now even expecting my second baby.”

Chloe – Mother

I am so grateful to Vanessa and the process of Rewind. After the delivery of my little girl, I experienced birth trauma which led to flashbacks and anxiety. By working with Vanessa and her techniques I was able to minimise the trauma feelings I had and shine a stronger light on the positives I experienced, of which there were lots.

The techniques I learnt through the process are ones which I can implement whenever I need and for lots of different situations if required. It is because of Vanessa and Rewind that I have been able to focus on the future and am now even expecting my 2nd baby.

“It was honestly one of the best things I have ever done for myself.

Cassie – Mother

“Doing Birth Trauma Resolution Therapy has been one of the most transformative things in my journey and recovery from birth trauma/ptsd/pnd… I tried many other things but was still stuck, feeling overwhelmed, haunted by flashbacks and memories, unable to move forward or even talk about my daughter’s birth or the days that followed.

I was so nervous going into it, but Christine was just so incredibly lovely, warm, and friendly, it was like chatting to a good friend each time I saw her, she put me completely at ease. The way she explained how the brain stores traumatic memories and the effect it has, was like a light coming on suddenly, it made so much sense and I didn’t feel crazy or weak for not being able to get myself out of it anymore.  As a midwife, she completely understood what I had been through, I didn’t have to explain procedures to her, she totally got it and I think talking to Christine about it was the first time I genuinely felt like anyone understood and validated what I’d been through and how I felt.

The Rewind technique itself was something I had been really anxious about, and fearful of panic attacks in case I had to re-live it all, but Christine’s deep relaxation methods actually made me want to fall asleep I was so relaxed! I was sceptical at first but at our next session, I was surprised how little I had even thought about the memories that had usually replayed constantly, I didn’t even notice I wasn’t thinking about them at first.

It was honestly one of the best things I have ever done for myself, I will forever be so thankful to Christine for helping me get back to living again, I would recommend her in an instant! ❤️ “

“It is life changing, after two years I am able to bond with my little boy.

Emma – Mother

Thank you so much Vanessa!

I never realised how much pain I was in physically and emotionally from my birth.

I would recommend this therapy to anyone and everyone that has had a child. It is life changing, after two years I am able to bond with my little boy and no longer be resentful to my husband.

The pain is no longer, every day is lighter.

Thank you again.

“I had a safe place to let out all my feelings.

Dani – Mother

Christine supported me with my Birth trauma and from start to finish I was made to feel supported, cared for, and listened to. The whole experience was calming, relaxing, and relieving and I highly recommend it to anyone.

I was given techniques to use at home to support myself, I still use them today and will continue to do so. I find them really helpful. Christine was kind, caring, soft spoken, and she made me feel understood, like everything I felt was important. I had a safe place to let out all my feelings and learn how to minimise my trauma. Thank you Christine I really appreciate your help and support.